Our fourth and final print competition of the season was held on Wednesday 21 March 2018 and was judged by Peter Espley.

In the colour section, the results were as follows:

First Place – Andrew Hunt – “Do I have it?”

Second Place – Dave Hawkins – “Drumbeg beach on the move”

Third Place  – Gary Mills – “Early morning light at Thurne” 

Highly Commended – Ian Kippax – “Alice” 

Commended – Kevin Pigney – “Brown hare shadow boxing”

In the Mono section, the results were:

Equal First Place – Kevin Pigney – “Mountain hare, last rays”, and Viv Houghton – “Fourteen”

Second Place – Dave Hawkins – “Backward glance”

Third Place – Bruce Liggitt – “The matriarch”

Highly Commended – Kevin Pigney – “Mountain hare portrait”

Commended – Ian Kippax – “Ingrid”