If you are new to photography, you may benefit from attending a course at the local college before joining the club. Suitable courses are often run at the local College, and details may be found here. Click on the course list on the left hand side of their website.
More advanced photographers may be interested in the series of courses, one-to-one tuition and workshops which are run by former club member Laura Galbraith. Details of these events can be found here
Please click on the links below for useful information and club documents:
How to find us (when meeting at the College)
Zoom meetings – Best Practice User Guide
Potential new members factsheet
Risk Assessment for Club meetings at the College
Risk Assessment for Club Outings
Guidance on submitting entries for Competitions
EPC Competition Rules for PDI Competitions
EPC Competition Rules for Print Competitions
Using Photo Entry to submit pdi entries to Competitions
Using PhotoEntry to submit Panel Competition entries
Guidelines on how to prepare for themed panel competitions
John Harvey’s Post-processing/training information
John Harvey runs periodic meetings of the Advanced Photography Group.
All of the notes from those meetings, that were formerly listed below, have now been moved to the Tutorials Page. This can be accessed from the main menu on the Home page in future.
Member (and Other) presentations
Taking frozen flower images – Sharon Powell
Taking landscapes – Phil Lenney
Long Exposure – James Billings
Converting images to Black and White using Adjustment Layers