St Ives Interprint Competition Result
On 22 February 2020 EPC competed in the St Ives Interprint competition, where 29 clubs from within the East Anglian Region (EAF) were participating. This competition is in its 38th year and is the most prestigious competition that our club competes in.
Each club has to enter 8 prints that are carefully scrutinised by the highly experienced Judge during the day and then the critique and scores are fed back in the evening session with the PDI projected on the screen so that the audience knows which print the Judge is referring to.
This year’s Judge was Monica Weller FRPS. Monica’s critique of the prints is probably best described as “forensic” with great attention to detail with any processing errors (such as white artifacts best known as halos, over processing & over/under sharpening) being noted and reflected in the scores. In fact, the scoring range out of 20 varied between 8 and 20 points with quite a number of prints being scored between 8 & 12.
The best thing about external competitions is that it is a “team” competition and if one or 2 entries don’t score as well as expected, it is the team score that matters most.
Ely scored 127 points and came 2nd and our members will be as pleased with this result, particularly when we were competing against many clubs with larger memberships than us. Well done to all. Cambridge won the competition with 138 points – their 3rd win in a row.